Tiny House


Friday, October 14, 2016

Today I am grateful for tiny houses.  I could never live in one, but I really like the concept.  Maybe it hearkens back to my childhood where I always wanted a club house or tree house, but never had anything more than a storage shed to pretend with.  Rakes and hoses and potting soil were not part of my fantasy, but they sure were part of the shed. I don’t know what it is about them, but I love them.


I have been driving past an obviously vacant tiny house for years and each time I say, “I could live there,” whether I’m with someone or alone.  That is, of course, a lie, because I’d go crazy in such a tiny space.  But I love the look of this little gem, perched very close to the road with a little porch that says, “sit here and wave at the world.”


I always picture it with someone living in it who loves it as much as I do, throwing a coat of paint it, hanging some cute curtains and sitting on that porch.  Then last week. . .there were chairs. . .and obvious signs of life.  Can paint be far behind?  I hope so.  I’ll keep you posted on whether anyone occupies those chairs. . .or waves.  And I’ll wave back.

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3 Responses to Tiny House

  1. Sue says:

    I believe this tiny house is on the Ridge Road in Tylersport. Right near the corner of Allentown Road and the Ridge Road. It is next to a garage and an old factory. To me it looks like it has been cleaned up a bit. We knew an elderly couple that lived there years ago.

  2. Marie A. Bishop says:

    An Alice in Wonderland home….. I bet there is a rabbit somewhere!!!! mab

  3. marymooney says:

    Yes, Sue. You nailed the location. It does look like it’s been cleaned up a bit, doesn’t it. I hope they do more.

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