Mini Heartprints

Monday, April 29, 2024

Today I am grateful for mini heartprints.  I’ve had a slew of them lately.  I decided to go to the pool yesterday, because the window washers are here today, so I knew I wouldn’t get to the class.

After 20 minutes of HARD aerobics, realizing my instructor was a real bitch. . .me. . .I decided to swim laps until my shoulder said, “No more, idiot!”  I probably did ten or twelve of various strokes.  Not bad.

I met two new friends at the pool, one a lifeguard, one a woman doing her own thing, like me. That’s always fun.  I tried to encourage the walker to come to some classes, but she is in physical therapy and might not be ready for them.  Yet.

After that I went to get bread to make PBJ sandwiches today and a few other things.  I don’t like using self-checkout, even though I only had a few items, so I got in line.  Mia, the checker, was so sweet and friendly.  Not only did she smile, she chatted as much as you can with a short order.  Delightful.  So, I told her.  And then I found her manager and told her, too.  Because I believe that if you’re going to bitch about something, you also have to compliment about something, too.

Next, at Wawa, to buy Himself a newspaper, I worried there were none left.  But they were just on the bottom rack.  So, I reached down, grabbed a bunch and loaded the higher rack.  The lady behind the counter thanked me. “I’ve been trying to get to it, but it’s been busy.”

We were having a nice, brief chat about something when a rude man rushed in and said, “Do you have any ice?”  He would have known they did if he had noticed our icy stares!  She and I ignored him and chatted a little more, but he wouldn’t be shut up and interrupted again, loudly.   She dealt with him, kindly and patiently and I left. 

I wonder if that poor sap knows how close he came to becoming eviscerated by me verbally?  Not all heartprints are soft and tender.  I’m still sorry I didn’t let him have it.  I mean, if he had come in and said, “Where are your tourniquets?  My wife is bleeding out in the car and I need help.” I would have ripped off my shirt to put pressure on her wound.  But ice?  Gimme a break.

So instead of dwelling on that nasty tidbit, I choose to remember my new pool friend and the wonderful checkers at Shop Rite and Wawa.  The point is, heartprints don’t have to be huge.  Even the mini ones pack a punch!  BING!  Heartprint.

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